Scott's : Trends

4:02 AM

Current News for April 25, 2008

MPP wants Legislature debates to air live on Web (Toronto Star)

Mon, 21 Apr 2008 01:42:13 PDT
Ontario is well into the fast-changing Internet age but lags at the very seat of power because citizens can't watch the drama of provincial politics unfold live on their computer screens.

N'Sync star speaks out for Day of Silence

Mon, 21 Apr 2008 03:05:15 PDT
Gay bishop to attend Lambeth conference despite previous rejection The most senior openly gay cleric in the Anglican Communion, Gene Robinson intends to attend the 2008 Lambeth Conference to be held in Caterbury despite previously refusing to. Popularity: 13% ?] Video: PinkNews editor takes Boris Johnson to task At the Stonewall hustings for the Mayor of London, chair of the hustings, editor, Tony Grew, took Conservative Party Candidate Boris Johnson to task. Popula

Search warrants suggest Tories overspent by $1-million (The Globe and Mail)

Mon, 21 Apr 2008 10:31:16 PDT
Documents released Monday lay out allegations against federal Conservative Party, including that invoices may have been altered

Media Update II

Mon, 21 Apr 2008 13:11:32 PDT
I did an interview with Global TV news on Elections Canada Vs. Harper. That's supposed to air tonight at 5:30 PM and again at 11 PM. Note my Newsworld Politics interview is now set for 5:15 PM.

Another Super Tuesday -- Pennsylvania Edition

Tue, 22 Apr 2008 20:19:44 PDT
By Michael J.W. Stickings UPDATED FREQUENTLY. SEE BELOW. 9:11 pm -- Hello, everyone. As Creature mentioned -- and make sure to read his excellent Pennsylvania primary post right below this one (or click here) -- I was on CTV Newsnet earlier this evening for a live interview segment with prime-time host Marcia MacMillan. For those of you who aren't Canadian, Newsnet started out as a sort of CNN Headline News. It has recently morphed into a rival to CBC Newsworld, the other major 24/7 news netwo

What exactly did Al Gore do to earn a Nobel Peace Prize

Tue, 22 Apr 2008 22:51:39 PDT
Months ago while sitting in a restaurant next to two gentleman having a conversation about Al Gore and how great he was this and that I asked a very simple question that led to rage. Now keep in mind I had spoken with one of these people earlier in the evening. That person is friendly with a waiter we know. Granted with the pompous attitude he had then I should have known what his reaction would be when I asked my question. And yes I was eavesdropping a bit. These two gentleman had also put awa

Jim Shaw a no-show at CRTC; cable company's proposals called 'extreme' (Canadian Business)

Wed, 23 Apr 2008 13:58:17 PDT
Julian Beltrame, The Canadian Press April 23, 2008 - 4:52 p.m.

Shaw no-show (The Ottawa Sun)

Wed, 23 Apr 2008 23:18:57 PDT

New kind of beetle found! By CBC staff!

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 17:35:27 PDT
New kind of beetle found! By CBC staff! Staff on the state-owned CBC Newsworld, where, suspiciously like Fox News Channel’s O’Reilly Factor, “The Spin Stops Here”! (-- or is that just on their “Politics” program?) apparently discovered the new creature. They called it the “GREENHOUSE BEETLE”. Most other people, like the folks at the National Post, which features the little bugger on their front page today, call it the Mountain Pine Beetle. Labcoats call it Dendroctonus Ponderosae. Bu

Google Hot Trends now in Singapore - Cnet Asia

Google Hot Trends now in Singapore
Cnet Asia, CA - 21 hours ago
Google Trends is one of the many products from the search giant meant to analyze the Internet, giving you an idea of what people are searching for. ...

Sneak peak of summer's top trends - Tampa Bay's 10

Sneak peak of summer's top trends
Tampa Bay's 10, FL - 4 hours ago
Not only did the models show off what's hot for summer, but the event also raises money for the Children's Cancer Center. The center depends solely on ...

Platter: Food Finds, Restaurant Reviews and Dining Trends - The Oregonian -

Platter: Food Finds, Restaurant Reviews and Dining Trends
The Oregonian -, OR - 2 hours ago
By CHRISTINA MELANDER THE NEW NOBILITY -- When Gregory Smith took over as head chef at Noble Rot, he had big shoes to fill at the cozy, comfort food-focused ...

Positive trends in business at Leonardo Venture in 2007 - news aktuell (Pressemitteilung)

Positive trends in business at Leonardo Venture in 2007
news aktuell (Pressemitteilung), Germany - 1 hour ago
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ots.CorporateNews transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible for ...

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3:39 AM

April 25, 2008 Hot Trends

U.S. gasoline theft up, along with prices

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 10:05:38 PDT
U.S. motorists, angered by soaring gasoline prices, are resorting increasingly to theft – a trend that could worsen heading into summer driving season, a national association of fuel retailers said Thursday.

Talking About The Weather is Trendly

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 10:26:01 PDT
Talking about the Weather might have been cool to REM back in 1989...well nearly 20 years later REM has a new album out and Talking About The Weather is back to be a the trendliest topic of conversation.

Green funerals make for eco-exits

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 10:29:04 PDT
Britain has been a world leader in eco-friendly funerals for years and a source of green burial products and ideas for countries like the United States, where the trend is just starting to catch on. Over the weekend in London, those in the business showcased their products and services at the Natural Death Center's Green Funeral Exhibition.

Surfing The World

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 10:33:29 PDT
Since I tried surfing last summer in Santa Cruz (see the surfer’s Statue to your right with parts of the SC Beach Boardwalk) and my surfing expertise looked quite semiprofessional after a 5-minutes-dry-practice, I want to keep you not-soau-courant-with-surfing guys up to date with the latest trend. Check out a video (after the jump) about surfing..

Web Sites Expand Rating Information On Nursing Homes

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 10:50:45 PDT
The federal government plans to identify some of the most troubled nursing homes in its public database, part of a trend toward giving consumers easier access to a trove of nursing-home information online.

Coach Pink Shoes

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 11:16:41 PDT
Coach Pink Shoes are the rave for this season. Catch onto this trend that will last for years to come. Coach make a very good shoe that compares to their handbags. Check them out today.

Sam's Club, Costco limit bulk rice purchases

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 11:22:27 PDT
The two biggest U.S. warehouse retail chains are limiting how much rice customers can buy because of what Sam's Club, a division of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., called on Wednesday "recent supply and demand trends."

Trends from Milan Design Week 2008

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 12:01:46 PDT
gilded extravagances and luxurious looks that defined themarket last year now play second fiddle to pieces exhibiting refined form andfunction.

Kelly Osbourne is Trying to Start a New Fashion Trend

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 12:45:44 PDT
Unfortunately it will not catch on

Logo Design Trends Across the Web

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 12:52:15 PDT
There will always be certain design trends across the Web. Given enough time, each trend will eventually dissolve away while a new trend takes its place. For instance, it was once extremely popular to add drop shadows to images and logos on a website...

Traffic Lights Stink

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 13:05:02 PDT
Over the course of the past decade or so I have noticed a trend while driving. I spend a lot of time at traffic lights. There seems to be a new one every few months at places that simply don’t need them.

Childhood Trends Improving In US, But Obesity And Low Birthweight Are Serious Concerns (Medical News Today)

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 14:08:43 PDT
A new report on trends in early and middle childhood in the US suggests that a number of health, wellbeing, education, family and social indicators are improving, but there are one or two critical areas where things are seriously wrong, such as the childhood obesity crisis and the rising number of low birthweight babies.

Learn from visitor patterns, improve your website-for $15

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 14:19:20 PDT
There are a couple other optimization services that I hear about quite a bit: Atlas, Map Surface, Omniture, WebTrends, ClickTale and Click Density… just to name a few. These services can be expensive. Is there a better (and less expensive) way for small business?

A Tale of Two Corporate Trends in Today's Economy (NPR)

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 14:51:02 PDT
Two different trends are emerging when it comes to how companies are faring in the current economy. Banks, builders and airlines are getting clobbered by the credit crunch and soaring energy costs. But farflung companies from Boeing to McDonald's are doing well, thanks to growing exports.

WebMD is a hypochondriac

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 15:12:17 PDT
WebMD makes itself out to be the victim of spiraling trends in the advertising industry, but analysts aren't so sure. WebMD's advertisers are drugmakers and other healthcare companies generally thought to be safe plays even in this economy.

Video Comments? No Thanks - 5 Reasons They Don't Work

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 15:31:33 PDT
Yesterday morning the web's largest web tech blog added video comments. About 24 hours later, video comments had turned into a mini-trend with another 80 blogs installing them. I wonder if they're really adding to the conversation. Here are 5 reasons why I don't particularly care for video comments out of the gate

Trends & Innovations - Thursday (Investor's Business Daily via Yahoo! News)

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 15:52:23 PDT
Corporate lawyers view W.Va. as having the worst legal system in the U.S., followed by La., Miss., Ala. and Ill., says a new survey. Reasons for low ratings include corruption, high awards, unpredictability, unfair judges and juries, and overburdened courts. The survey, sponsored by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, got responses from 957 senior corporate attorneys. It found the best legal climates ...

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2:21 AM

April 25, 2008 Breaking News

Yes We Can: Dream Sticker Becomes Reality

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 21:00:46 PDT
So I've had this beautiful for the past six or seven years: Combine the two stupidest copyright-infringing redneck window-sticker trends of the 21st Centurys -- Calvin of Calvin & Hobbes vulgarly pissing on some enemy car brand, and Calvin of Calvin & Hobbes stupidly praying at the foot of a giant Jesus-less crucifix -- into one perfect union. You know, Calvin pissing on the Cross. Well, I kind of mentioned this idea in public today, in the comments of a Wonkette post, and next thing you know a

Exclusive: U.S. Online Video Startups Raised $461M in 2007

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 21:00:53 PDT
Profits may not have arrived for online video, but venture capitalists are still happy to pick up the bill. More and more U.S.-based, venture-backed online video companies are attracting more and more financing each year, according to Dow Jones VentureSource. Some $460.5 million was invested in such startups in 2007, up from $266.9 million in 2006. And already, in the first quarter of 2008, another $217.3 million rained down on the category. In 2007, the money was spread among 68 startups f

Top 25 Google Trends Today

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 21:09:24 PDT
1. capital of thailand 2. unit fraction 3. how many people signed the declaration of independence 4. father of apollo 5. mt mckinley 6. hispaniola 7. dean moriarty 8. president never married 9. mount mckinley 10. unmarried president 11. wesley snipes 12. day of silence 13. only president not married 14. james buchanan 15. everywhere 16. hancock 17. mt. mckinley 18. hancock movie 19. scuba 20.

Lifestreaming: Green Living in Real Time

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 21:14:27 PDT
Overview of the lifestreaming trend, the technologies that make it possible, and how they're relevant to living green: Twitter, FriendFeed, Twhirl, MySocial 24/7, Seesmic, Pownce, Digg, StumbleUpon, Deepak Chopra, and more...

Freshwater trends (The State)

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 21:15:27 PDT
Midlands LAKE GREENWOOD: Striped Bass: Fair. Striped bass are scattered. Use jigging spoons in 18-20 feet of water. Some schooling is being reported; locate by finding feeding gulls. Largemouth Bass: Very good. Bass have moved shallow and are on the beds spawning. Fish floating worms and plastic lizards. Crappie: Very Good. Crappie are spawning and a few have even finished and moved out. ...

Faster - Why Constant Stress is Part of Our Future

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 21:42:15 PDT
A few weeks ago, the New York Times ran a weekend piece entitled In Web World of 24/7 Stress, Writers Blog Till They Drop, which focused on the stressful nature of blogging. Using our friend Marc Orchant's death and Om Malik's heart attack as examples, Matt Richel built a case for web journalism as the cause of certain health woes because of its non-stop, 24/7 real-time nature. There is no doubt that news blogging is stressful. But it is not just blogging. Real-time anything is stressful. Take

Follow the Money–Campaign Finance March Edition

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 21:52:06 PDT
Has the playing field become so tilted that big money calls the shots while the average American is left out? March campaign data offer a mixed answer. Below are the March figures courtesy of our main source, I am including information on John McCain for the first time, because one question on the minds of many Democrats is whether McCain can now start hording cash for the Presidential race while the Democrats burn all their funds fighting each other. Obama now has a he

44th Paeksang Arts Awards Red Carpet: Part I

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 21:54:23 PDT
Wow! Finally, some eye-candy. The dresses at the 44th Paeksang Arts Awards brought out the big stars in their finest wears. The celebrities opted for long flowy dresses in bright colors or stayed conservative with mid-knee hemlines. Check out Choi Yeojin, Han Ye-seul, Kim Jung-eun, Kim Min-hee, Jung Il-woo, Kim Hee-ae and more! Choi Yeojin showing a bit of side boobage in this colorful but deep halther neckline. But she shouldn’t have worn this because you can see scarring on her left b

Bes Z’s Poor Practical Guide to Surviving Without Much Money - Part 1 - Electricity Usage

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 21:54:25 PDT
Today I would like to start offering some dedicated tips and suggestions for the poor on how to change life habits so that money can be saved. The first part in this series will focus on your electricity usage. This guide applies to many individuals on this planet who have to pay for electricity usage at the house. Also, for every dollar that I list below, simply assume a similar unit for your own current currency in your region of the world. What does being poor mean in this series? In this

Gary Twohig, Samsung Mobile

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 22:05:02 PDT
25.04.2008 first posted on silicon republic] Samsung has supplanted Motorola at No 2 in the global mobile market and is making strides in the consumer electronics space. Gary Twohig is the new country manager at Samsung Mobile. Making it from the middle of the list of mobile manufacturers to No 2 in the world is a major feat. How did Samsung do it? I think the company is very ambitious. There are a lot of very technologically advanced areas within Samsung such as memory chips, flat-screen T

Here's something new: Madonna defers to her big-name producers on 'Hard Candy'

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 22:07:12 PDT
Love or hate her (there’s rarely anything in-between), Madonna always seemed to be one step ahead. She was a master at trolling underground styles and appropriating them for mainstream makeovers, in the same way that David Bowie kept redefining cool in the ‘70s by repackaging outrageousness as exquisitely crafted pop, rock and ersatz soul. But the days of Madonna bending the mainstream to her enormous will apparently are over. Her latest album, “Hard Candy” (Warner Bros.), in stor

Poll Analysis: McCain Slips a Bit Against Clinton

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 22:13:23 PDT
Clinton McCain 18.2% probability of winning 80.7% probability of winning Mean of 256 electoral votes Mean of 282 electoral votes Yesterday it looked like Sen. Hillary Clinton was losing ground against Sen. John McCain. She fell to a 17.4% probability of beating McCain in a general election. With two new polls released today, Clinton gains back some of her lost ground. After 10,000 simulated elections, Clinton wins 1,821 times (plus

“Is That All There Is?”

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 22:20:09 PDT
BIG hat tip to both Investors Business Daily and Peggy Lee for asking the obvious. It’s about time the old song had a subject worthy of its query… Pelosi’s energy policy failure! Posted by Tina “Democrats Fumble Ball On Energy” - Investors Business Daily Surely the majority leader in the world's most important deliberative body should be able to come up with something better than what Pelosi and the Democrats have proposed. ** In a letter just this week to House Republican leader John Boehne

Food shortages compell Wal-Mart and Costco to impose ration on basic food sales

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 22:28:48 PDT
Clouds of food shortages have begun looming large even on the skies of the land of plenty. Yes, we are talking about the United States of America, where the country’s top two bulk retailers, namely, Costco and Wal-Mart, in the face of surging demand, have begun imposing restrictions on bulk sales of basic food articles like rice and flour. Sam’s Club, the cash & carry division of the world’s largest retailer Wal-Mart, has rationed several long grain varieties of white rice, including, Basm

A’ST1 Finally Debuted!

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 22:51:47 PDT
While no one is still quite sure how to pronounce the group’s name .. The Group after a long wait finally DEBUTED ON 24th in M!Countdown … A’ST1 DEBUT STAGE - M!Countdown 080424 I am totally speechless .. LOVE THE MUSIC! Love their CHORUS voice! Damn, DSP all of sudden hired some awesome music writers and composers! Can someone investigate for me on DSP’s Music team? Are they Korean or Foreigners? Total jealous! .. whoever is writing these beautiful music pieces these days for SS501

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